Advanced Security Engineering.


Entrance control by biometric facial verification

An intelligent recognition system for truck drivers and visitors was installed at the OMV Deutschland GmbH, Burghausen, by ASE AG, Bruchsal. The considerable simplification of a secure personal identification for the entrance control leads to cost and time saving.
Industrial companies, with a high security factor like refineries, power stations as well as chemical or pharmaceutical works must identify visitors and drivers of logistics enterprises unambiguously to guarantee they have received security training.

Besides, the entrance at the gate poses a time-consuming bottleneck.

The software tool XS-Verifier permits the quick verification of a personal identity by automatic biometric facial verification. A short video recording of the face is sufficient to assign the person unambiguously. Admitted people will be trained into the system in a preceding training phase.

Not more than 10 – 15 seconds for facial admissions are necessary. I.e., when a driver comes the first time to the entrance board of control, the unique facial traning can occur immediately.

The system can be integrated seamless into existing access systems and is a natural enlarge-ment of systems which are based, e.g., on separate identity cards or PINs. Robustness with regard to unequal lighting, weather and slight changes of the point of view is guaranteed.

Lußhardtstraße 6  |  D-76646 Bruchsal  |  Tel +49 7251 93259-0 |  Fax +49 7251 93259-99
ASE GmbH Branch Austria
Brown-Boveri-Straße 6  |  A-2351 Wiener Neudorf  |  Tel +43 1 6061212-0  |  Fax +43 1 6061212-900
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